
Refactoring without tests should be fine
Refactoring without tests should be fine. Why is it not? When could it be safe? Refactoring is a controlled technique for improving the design of an existing code base. Its essence is applying a series of small behavior-preserving transformations, each

Avoiding empty() in PHP
The language construct empty() appears rather versatile. It’s like a Swiss army knife with a thousand blades, ready to hurt you if you grab it by the wrong end. Or a jack of all trades, master of none. Most of all, empty() is

Refactoring PHP
I’ve been programming in PHP now for almost ten years, and if there is one thing I learned over this period, it’s that readability and simplicity are the keys for maintainable and sustainable code. Every first attempt to write code

Laravel Real-Time Notifications
In this post, we will take a look at how we can send real-time notifications with Laravel, the Laravel Websockets package, and Laravel Echo. HTTP is stateless. Usually, the client asks for a URL, and the server returns the data.

12 Tips For Better Live Coding
Let’s be honest. Live coding is terrifying! Everyone is watching every character you type, and they are waiting for you to fail. At least it feels like that. Today I want to share some tips I have collected over the

3 Things You Need For Test-Driven Development
Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) are essential and challenging topics in programming. Especially the switch from just writing some tests to TDD can be tricky. After using TDD for several years, I see three things you need to know to