I’ve been programming in PHP now for almost ten years, and if there is one thing I learned over this period, it’s that readability and simplicity are the keys for maintainable and sustainable code. Every first attempt to write code should be about making it work. Only after that, you should take some time to refactor. This is when I aim for readability and simplicity. Today I see refactoring as one of my main skills. In this post, I share with you my refactoring practices for PHP.
#1 - Be Expressive
Example #1 - Naming
$status = $user->status('pending');
// ❌ It is unclear what this method is doing with the provided string
// ❌ Are we setting the status? Are we checking the status?
$status = $user->status('pending');
$isUserPending = $user->isStatus('pending');
// ✅ By adding "is" to the names we make our intentions more clear
// ✅ We are checking if the status of the user equals the given string
// ✅ Also the new variable name lets us assume it will be a boolean
$isUserPending = $user->isStatus('pending');
Example #2 - Naming
return $factory->getTargetClass();
// ❌ What do we get? The class name? Fully qualified name? Or the path?
return $factory->getTargetClass();
return $factory->getTargetClassPath();
// ✅ It is the path we are getting back
// ✅ If the user looks for the class name, this is the wrong method
return $factory->getTargetClassPath();
Example #3 - Extracting
public function setCodeExamples(string $exampleBefore, string $exampleAfter)
$this->exampleBefore = file_get_contents(base_path("$exampleBefore.md"));
$this->exampleAfter = file_get_contents(base_path("$exampleAfter.md"));
// ❌ Duplicated code (methods "file_get_contents", "base_path" and file extension)
// ❌ At this point we don't care HOW we get the code examples
public function setCodeExamples(string $exampleBefore, string $exampleAfter)
$this->exampleBefore = file_get_contents(base_path("$exampleBefore.md"));
$this->exampleAfter = file_get_contents(base_path("$exampleAfter.md"));
public function setCodeExamples(string $exampleBefore, string $exampleAfter)
$this->exampleBefore = $this->getCodeExample($exampleBefore);
$this->exampleAfter = $this->getCodeExample($exampleAfter);
private function getCodeExample(string $exampleName): string
return file_get_contents(base_path("$exampleName.md"));
public function setCodeExamples(string $exampleBefore, string $exampleAfter)
// ✅ Our code now tells what we are doing: getting a code example (we do not care how)
$this->exampleBefore = $this->getCodeExample($exampleBefore);
$this->exampleAfter = $this->getCodeExample($exampleAfter);
// ✅ The new method can be used multiple times now
private function getCodeExample(string $exampleName): string
return file_get_contents(base_path("$exampleName.md"));
Example #4 - Extracting
User::whereNotNull('subscribed')->where('status', 'active');
// ❌ Multiple where clauses make it difficult to read
// ❌ What is the purpose?
User::whereNotNull('subscribed')->where('status', 'active') ;
// ✅ This new scope method tells us what is happening
// ✅ If we need more details we check the scope method
// ✅ The scope "subscribed" can be used somewhere else too now
Example #5 - Extracting
protected function handle()
$url = $this->option('url') ?: $this->ask('Please provide the URL for the import:');
$importResponse = $this->http->get($url);
$bar = $this->output->createProgressBar($importResponse->count());
collect($importResponse->results)->each(function (array $attributes) use ($bar) {
$this->info('Thanks. Users have been imported.');
if($this->option('with-backup')) {
->put(date('Y-m-d').'-import.json', $response->body());
$this->info('Backup was stored successfully.');
protected function handle()
// ❌ The method contains too much code
$url = $this->option('url') ?: $this->ask('Please provide the URL for the import:');
$importResponse = $this->http->get($url);
// ❌ The progress
bar output is useful for the user but makes our code messy
$bar = $this->output->createProgressBar($importResponse->count());
collect($importResponse->results)->each(function (array $attributes) use ($bar) {
// ❌ It is difficult to tell which actions are being taken here
$this->info('Thanks. Users have been imported.');
if($this->option('with-backup')) {
->put(date('Y-m-d').'-import.json', $response->body());
$this->info('Backup was stored successfully.');
protected function handle()
$url = $this->option('url') ?: $this->ask('Please provide the URL for the import:');
$importResponse = $this->http->get($url);
protected function importUsers($userData): void
$bar = $this->output->createProgressBar(count($userData));
collect($userData)->each(function (array $attributes) use ($bar) {
$this->info('Thanks. Users have been imported.');
protected function saveBackupIfAsked(Response $response): void
if($this->option('with-backup')) {
->put(date('Y-m-d').'-import.json', $response->body());
$this->info('Backup was stored successfully.');
protected function handle(): void
// ✅ The handle method is what you check first when visiting this class
// ✅ It is now easy to get an overview of what is happening
$url = $this->option('url') ?: $this->ask('Please provide the URL for the import:');
$importResponse = $this->http->get($url);
// ✅ If you need more details, you can check the dedicated methods
protected function importUsers($userData): void
$bar = $this->output->createProgressBar(count($userData));
collect($userData)->each(function (array $attributes) use ($bar) {
$this->info('Thanks. Users have been imported.');
// ✅ Don't be afraid of more lines of code
// ✅ In this example it makes sense to clean up our main "handle" method
protected function saveBackupIfAsked(Response $response): void
if($this->option('with-backup')) {
->put(date('Y-m-d').'-import.json', $response->body());
$this->info('Backup was stored successfully.');
#2 - Return Early
Example #1
public function calculateScore(User $user): int
if ($user->inactive) {
$score = 0;
} else {
if ($user->hasBonus) {
$score = $user->score + $this->bonus;
} else {
$score = $user->score;
return $score;
public function calculateScore(User $user): int
if ($user->inactive) {
$score = 0;
} else {
// ❌ What was "if" again?
if ($user->hasBonus) {
$score = $user->score + $this->bonus;
} else {
// ❌ Your 👀 are constantly moving due to the different idention levels
$score = $user->score;
return $score;
public function calculateScore(User $user): int
if ($user->inactive) {
return 0;
if ($user->hasBonus) {
return $user->score + $this->bonus;
return $user->score;
public function calculateScore(User $user): int
// ✅ Edge-cases are checked first
if ($user->inactive) {
return 0;
// ✅ Every case has its own section which makes them easy to follow step by step
if ($user->hasBonus) {
return $user->score + $this->bonus;
return $user->score;
Example #2
public function sendInvoice(Invoice $invoice): void
if($user->notificationChannel === 'Slack')
} else {
public function sendInvoice(Invoice $invoice): void
if($user->notificationChannel === 'Slack')
} else {
// ❌ Even a simple ELSE effects the readability of your code
public function sendInvoice(Invoice $invoice): bool
if($user->notificationChannel === 'Slack')
return $this->notifier->slack($invoice);
return $this->notifier->email($invoice);
public function sendInvoice(Invoice $invoice): bool
// ✅ Every condition is easy to read
if($user->notificationChannel === 'Slack')
return $this->notifier->slack($invoice);
// ✅ No more thinking about what ELSE refers to
return $this->notifier->email($invoice);
#3 - Refactor To Collections
Example #1
$score = 0;
foreach($this->playedGames as $game) {
$score += $game->score;
return $score;
// ❌ Here we have a temporary variable
$score = 0;
// ❌ It is ok to use a loop, but it could be more readable
foreach($this->playedGames as $game) {
$score += $game->score;
return $score;
return collect($this->playedGames)
// ✅ The collection is an object with methods
// ✅ The sum method makes it more expressive
return collect($this->playedGames)
Example #2
$users = [
[ 'id' => 801, 'name' => 'Peter', 'score' => 505, 'active' => true],
[ 'id' => 844, 'name' => 'Mary', 'score' => 704, 'active' => true],
[ 'id' => 542, 'name' => 'Norman', 'score' => 104, 'active' => false],
// Requested Result: only active users, sorted by score ["Mary(704)","Peter(505)"]
$users = array_filter($users, fn ($user) => $user['active']);
usort($users, fn($a, $b) => $a['score'] < $b['score']);
$userHighScoreTitles = array_map(fn($user) => $user['name'] . '(' . $user['score'] . ')', $users);
return $userHighScoreTitles;
$users = [
[ 'id' => 801, 'name' => 'Peter', 'score' => 505, 'active' => true],
[ 'id' => 844, 'name' => 'Mary', 'score' => 704, 'active' => true],
[ 'id' => 542, 'name' => 'Norman', 'score' => 104, 'active' => false],
// Requested Result: only active users, sorted by score ["Mary(704)","Peter(505)"]
$users = array_filter($users, fn ($user) => $user['active']);
// ❌ Which is "usort" again? How does the condition work?
usort($users, fn($a, $b) => $a['score'] < $b['score']);
// ❌ All the transformations are separated, still they all are about users
$userHighScoreTitles = array_map(fn($user) => $user['name'] . '(' . $user['score'] . ')', $users);
return $userHighScoreTitles;
$users = [
[ 'id' => 801, 'name' => 'Peter', 'score' => 505, 'active' => true],
[ 'id' => 844, 'name' => 'Mary', 'score' => 704, 'active' => true],
[ 'id' => 542, 'name' => 'Norman', 'score' => 104, 'active' => false],
// Requested Result: only active users, sorted by score ["Mary(704)","Peter(505)"]
return collect($users)
->filter(fn($user) => $user['active'])
->map(fn($user) => "{$user['name']} ({$user['score']})"
$users = [
[ 'id' => 801, 'name' => 'Peter', 'score' => 505, 'active' => true],
[ 'id' => 844, 'name' => 'Mary', 'score' => 704, 'active' => true],
[ 'id' => 542, 'name' => 'Norman', 'score' => 104, 'active' => false],
// Requested Result: only active users, sorted by score ["Mary(704)","Peter(505)"]
// ✅ We are passing users only once
return collect($users)
// ✅ We are piping them through all methods
->filter(fn($user) => $user['active'])
->map(fn($user) => "{$user['name']} ({$user['score']})"
// ✅ At the end, we return an array
#4 - Consistency
Example #1
class UserController
public function find($userId)
class InvoicesController
public function find($user_id) {
class UserController
// ❌ Decide how to name variables (camelCase, snake_case, etc.) Don't mix!
public function find($userId)
// ❌ Choose between singular or plural for all controllers and stick to it
class InvoicesController
// ❌ Changes in style, like position of braces, make your code hard to read
public function find($user_id) {
class UserController
public function find($userId)
class InvoiceController
public function find($userId)
class UserController
// ✅ camelCase Naming for all variables
public function find($userId)
// ✅ Controller names consistent (singular in this case)
class InvoiceController
// ✅ Consistent position of braces (format) makes code more readable
public function find($userId)
Example #2
class PdfExporter
public function handle(Collection $items): void
// export items...
class CsvExporter
public function export(Collection $items): void
// export items...
class PdfExporter
// ❌ "handle" and "export" are similar methods with different names
public function handle(Collection $items): void
// export items...
class CsvExporter
public function export(Collection $items): void
// export items...
// ❌ While using them you will question if they even perform similar tasks
// ❌ I bet you will look up the classes to make sure
interface Exporter
public function export(Collection $items): void;
class PdfExporter implements Exporter
public function export(Collection $items): void
// export items...
class CsvExporter implements Exporter
public function export(Collection $items): void
// export items...
// ✅ An interface can help with consistency by providing common rules
interface Exporter
public function export(Collection $items): void;
class PdfExporter implements Exporter
public function export(Collection $items): void
// export items...
class CsvExporter implements Exporter
public function export(Collection $items): void
// export items...
// ✅ Same method names for similar tasks will make it easier to read
// ✅ I'm pretty sure, without taking a look at the classes, they both export data
Refactoring ❤️ Tests
I already mentioned that refactoring doesn’t change the functionality of your code. This comes handy when running tests, because they should work after refactoring too. This is why I only start to refactor my code, when there are tests. They will assure that I don’t unintentionally change the behaviour of my code. So don’t forget to write tests or even go TDD.
This is how I refactor PHP. In the end, you and your team have to decide how you want your code to be. Just make sure to define it, write it down, and save enough time to make it happen after your code is working. I started with my main principles and I plan to cover more topics soon.